Noritz Water Heater Repair In Chula Vista CA
Customer had a Noritz NRC98DV with error code 73. After troubleshooting the unit we found that it had a bad circuit board. We ordered the part from the manufacturer and…
Tank To Tankless Conversion In La Mesa Ca
We got a call from a customer with an old leaking tank water heater. We retrofitted his water gas and vent to accommodate a new Noritz NR98 tankless water heater.…
Rheem Tankless Water Heater Repair In Santee CA
Repaired Rheem tankless water heater that was not staying on. This Rheem tankless heater was giving error code 11. We replaced two flame rod sensors and now the heater is…
Commercial Tankless Water Heater Installation In Pacific Beach CA
Installed new Noritz tankless water heater commercial model for a small restaurant in Pacific Beach. Before any work started we called Noritz to properly size the right unit for our…
Tankless Water Heater Conversion In Spring Valley CA
Our customer wanted a tankless water heater and eliminate his tank water heater. We installed a new Noritz tankless water heater, retrofitted all services to relocate tankless heater to the…
Tankless Water Heater Repair In Chula Vista 91913
Repaired leaking tankless water heater. We ordered replacement parts under warranty through the manufacturer at no cost to our customer. Our customer only paid for installation labor. After repairs were…
Rheem Tankless Heater Maintenance In Santee CA
Performed annual maintenance and safety inspection on Rheem tankless water heater. Used specialty Haymaker descale solution. We have found that descaling the tankless water heater annually restores heating efficiency.
Commercial Tankless Water Heater Installation In Hillcrest CA
Our customer had a leaking tank water heater and wanted to convert it to a tankless water heater. We called Noritz directly, the manufacturer of tankless water heaters, to properly…
Tankless Water Heater Service In Chula Vista CA
Performed yearly tankless descale service on Noritz tankless water heater. Did service according to manufacturer specifications using approved tankless descale solution.
Tankless Water Heater Service In San Diego CA
Performed yearly maintenance on this Noritz tankless water heater. Used premium descaling formula diluted to manufactures specifications. Connected switch in tankless unit to allow for proper time of service and…
Noritz Tankless Water Heater Replacement In Lakeside CA
Replaced tankless water that was malfunctioning. The old heater lasted 12 years and our customer decided that instead of repairing it he wanted to replace it. We upgraded for a…
Noritz Tankless Water Heater Service In Chula Vista CA
Performed annual maintenance on a Noritz EZTR 40 tankless unit. We used the special descaling solution to remove scale build-up in the heat exchanger in order for the unit to…
Noritz Tankless Water Heater Service In Chula Vista.
We did not install this Noritz tankless water heater however we serviced the unit. Our customer was experiencing some issues with his tankless water heater, we did the annual maintenance…
Tankless Water Heater Service In San Diego CA
Performed descale service for this Noritz NR98SV we installed last year. Performing yearly maintenance on your tankless water heater is key for having high heating efficiency, and for the longevity…
Tankless Service In San Diego CA
We installed this tankless water heater a year ago, as part of our installation we give the first tankless descale service free. Descaling your tankless water heater ensures high water…
Tankless Water Heater Repair In La Jolla CA
A previous company attempted to repair this leaking unit and was unsuccessful. We were called bu the homeowner, and we identified the issue. We called Noritz to have parts sent…
Leaking Tankless Water Heater In Poway CA
We were called out to look at a leaking tankless water heater. We found that the heat exchanger was leaking. The unit was only 7 years old, this unit was…
Takagi Tankless Water Heater Warranty In Poway CA
Replaced a faulty Takagi unit under warranty. We worked with the manufacturer as well as our local suppliers to get the customer a new Tankless Water Heater covered under warranty,…
Rinnai Tankless Water Heater Repair In Coronado CA
Rinnai tankless water heater was showing error codes 10 and 11. We inspected the heater and found that the gas valve pressure needed adjustment. Using a digital monometer we were…
Tankless Water Heater Repair In Chula Vista CA
Noritz tankless water heater had a bad heat exchanger. Noritz sent new parts under warranty to the homeowner. We were able to disassemble the water heater remove the faulty parts…
Navien Tankless Water Heater Installation In Chula Vista CA
We have replaced 50-gallon water with a new Navien tankless water heater model 210A2. We reworked hot and cold water lines, updated the vent pipe to a 2-inch PVC pipe,…
Tankless Water Heater Replacement In Bonita
Found an old tankless water heater leaking from the heat exchanger. Our customer decided to replace it instead of fixing the old tankless. We supplied and installed a Navien 210A2…
Noritz Tankless Replacement In Pacific Beach
Replaced an old tankless that was 16 years old for a new Noritz tankless water heater. Installed new water shut-off, and new isolation valves. Tested the water heater and it…
Tankless Water Heater Service In Lemon Grove CA
Performed descale maintenance on Takagi tankless water heater. Ran solution through heat exchanger, cleaned water inlet filter, and replaced water filter for both units. Descaling the units will help keep…
Rinnai Tankless Service in San Diego CA
Performed annual tankless descale service on a Rinnai unit. Used the proper descale solution diluted to the proper amount with water. Ran descale solution for 45 minutes, tested the unit,…
Tankless Water Heater Maintenance in Bonita CA
Performed annual maintenance on this tankless water heater in Bonita CA. It is important to perform the annual descale service on any tankless water heater in order to remove the…
Tankless Water Heater Descale Service in San Diego CA
Serviced Navien tankless water heater. Descaled heat exchanger to keep up high heating efficiency. After service, the heater is in proper working condition.
Tankless Water Heater Replacement in San Diego CA
Removed old 20-year-old tankless heater. Installed new Noritz tankless water heater. Reworked water hot and cold, gas line, and reconnected vent. Installed isolation valve kit. Works great. Has a 12-year…