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Flash Floods and Plumbing

flash-floodThe threat of flash flooding grows everyday as we move deeper into El Nino season.

Flash floods can strike at any time. The day could be nice and sunny, but with one good thunderstorm, the next thing you know creek beds are overflowing and there is high water all around. While these things happen sometimes without any warning, there are still a few things you can do to prepare yourself, your family and your home. And if the worst happens and you need help after a flood or for any other plumbing emergency, call us and we can send a plumber to your Edina home.

In the meantime, here are a few suggestions on how to prep for a flood:

  • Pack an emergency kit. The kit should have bottled water, nonperishable food, band-aids and other medical supplies, a portable radio, batteries and other essentials for you and your family.
  • Make sure your family has a detailed plan about what to do if your home floods. Everyone should know where to go to evacuate, and you should all know how to contact one another if cell phone service is disrupted.
  • If you haven’t already, consider having important equipment, like your air conditioner unit, hot water heater and other appliances mounted off of the floor. This might give all of it a better chance of getting through a flood with minimal or no damage.
  • Make sure your home has flood insurance, especially if you live in an area that is prone to flooding. Bear in mind that most homeowners’ insurance policies do not cover floods. You usually have to get a rider on the insurance policy that will cover a flood if and when it happens.
  • Make sure your home has a working sump pump. If it does not, call us and we can send a plumber out to install one.
  • If the weather outside is looking rainy and stormy, keep an eye on any news and weather alerts. Follow any evacuation instructions if they are given, and remember that emergency vehicles always get the right of way.
  • Make sure you know how to shut off your home’s electrical system and any gas source in the event of an emergency.
  • After the flood, if your home has sustained any damage, do a walk-through and take pictures of and notes on any damage. Then call your insurance company.
  • Call a plumber at All Ways Drains and we can come out and unclog any drains that need it and for assistance with anything else plumbing-related.

Why Schedule a Video Pipeline Inspection Annually

“Out of sight, out of mind.”  The saying can be applied to many things, but let’s apply it to plumbing.  The workings of a plumbing system are design to be out of every day sight.  However, unless you want to have problems, it is best to remember your plumbing system.  Not every day, but how about at least once a year.  Like any other working item, plumbing needs an inspection.  Just think your plumbing runs behind nearly every wall, above your ceilings, and underneath your floors.

Preventative maintenance is a priority considering how large an investment you’ve put in your home.

One of the best ways to inspect your plumbing is a video pipeline inspection.  In fact, other inspection types are really educated guesses in comparisons.  Let’s see why.

Smile, You’re on Camera

Passive inspections usually run tests make sure that water flow rates are consistent.  However, these tests cannot reveal the source of an internal plumbing problem unless extensive time is used.  Meanwhile, the time is ticking on your plumbing inspection bill.  A video inspection puts eyes inside your plumbing and instantly verifies what is really going on.

Video inspections eliminate guesswork or (long stories about the amount of experience one has and why you should just trust them).  You get to see the problem or any semblances of arising ones.  Furthermore, identifying problem areas before they mature saves you money in the long run and gives you working knowledge of your home’s plumbing system. Video inspections are a win-win.

Scheduling Your San Diego Pipeline Inspection

Considering the above, it’s safe to say that video inspections are the best way to examine internal plumbing.  If you have never had this service before, allow us to walk you through it.  Blue Planet Drains & Plumbing uses some of the most advanced plumbing technologies and methods including video inspection equipment.  Once you schedule your inspection, we’ll send out one of our plumbing specialists to show you how everything works.

10 Ways to Avoid a Plumbing Crisis

avoid plumbing crisisHere are ten things you should remember to save yourself from a plumbing crisis:

  1. Learn where to shut off the water – You can stop the main water supply to your home from the meter. There are separate valves to turn it off and on, so learn where they are and how they are operated.
  2. Know what the readings on your water meter and water bill mean – You can make sure your usage matches the billed amount and detect leaks more easily this way.
  3. Find out the water pressure in your home – Buy a water pressure gauge to ensure the pressure stays less than 80 psi. High water pressure is the most common cause for leaks.
  4. Learn the location of the sewage system’s clean-out plugs – For both septic and sewers, you can handle clogging easily if you know where the clean-out plugs are.
  5. Make sure the condensation lines for your air conditioning are functioning – Mold and water damage to your home may occur if condensation doesn’t drain properly.
  6. Learn how to stop the gas supply – You can save a lot of time and effort by shutting the main supply before fixing a gas appliance.
  7. Learn to shut water supply to your water heater – If there’s an issue with the water heater, you should know where to turn off its water supply so that you can still use water instead of completely cutting off all supply.
  8. Keep a pan beneath your water heater, and make sure there isn’t a leak in the valve for pressure relief – The pan will help prevent damage that might cost you a lot. If the pressure relief valve is leaking, there may be a major issue with it.
  9. Find the valves on each plumbing fixture for shutting them off – Avoid plumbing disasters by knowing where these valves are located.
  10. Learn to cut off water supply to every plumbing fixture – You can prevent water damage to everything else by shutting water to the problematic appliance.Be Watchful of Diggers!


Protect Your Plumbing From Your Pets

Many pet owners understand that their plumbing can present bad health effects for their pets, but did you know that your pet may negatively impact your plumbing? Here’s a few ways it can happen and what you can do to avoid calling a plumber out:

Be Watchful of Diggers!

watchful diggersIf your dog enjoys digging, you should keep account of where and how often the digging occurs. Why? Some homeowners have plumbing lines that are easily accessible due to being shallowly laid. This is usually done in places where the ground is hard and excavating dirt and rock is difficult. If you’re not carefully, you’re dog can expose a plumbing line and find a very expensive chew toy.



indoor bathsIf your pet is house broken and generally gets a bath inside the home, it is wise to invest in a drain strainer. Pet hair usually is longer and thicker than human hair; therefore, it can mat and cause clogs easily when introduced to drains. As your dog sheds hairs in the tub, these will collect and make their way down your plumbing. A strainer can prevent clogs by catching the hair before it clogs your drain.


Serial Toilet Flushers

serial toilet flushersDo you have a highly intelligent cat or dog?  Then you may want to make sure that the toilets are closed while you are away from home or asleep.  We’ve recovered a variety of mystery items from toilet drains that no sober human would ever flush down the toilet.  However, sometimes pets learn to put items in the toilet and pull the lever.

Did you catch this blog too late and your pet has already caused a plumbing issue?  Don’t worry, just give us a call.  We’ll get your drains back in working order.  Our residential and commercial plumbing services include drain cleaning, slab leak repair (including leak detection), water heater installation, and a host of other common plumbing issues.


Gas Line Re-piping

Do You Need Gas Line Re-piping?

The installation of natural or propane gas systems ensures timely and adequate supply of gas to appliances using the fuel source. Some of these appliances include outdoor grills, water heaters, dryers and fireplaces. Whichever it is, there is always the need to ensure that the gas line pipes are in good working condition. With most of these gas systems made up of galvanized steel materials, it is very important to have malfunctioning or leaking pipes replaced with high quality steel or corrugated flexible pipes.
Except you are a trained professional, gas line repiping should be specifically left for the professionals. This is especially considering the processes in involved in re-piping. The question then is, how do you determine when your home needs gas line re-piping? There are several reasons why it may be necessary for this process to be carried out in your home.

Some of these reasons include the following:

  • Irregular supply of gas
  • Low gas pressure
  • Pipe leakages


When you are experiencing any of these, there is every possibility that the quality of your gas pipes has been compromised and as such, re-piping becomes a necessity. This compromise in quality could be caused by the use of low quality pipes in the initial piping or corrosion caused by mineral deposits within the location of the pipes. In order to better control the damages at the initial stage, homeowners should be acquainted with the above mentioned signs of pipe degeneration.
It does not matter whether the gas line re-piping is for your new outdoor gas grill or for existing gas pipe, you will need to find professionals that will carry out evaluation and proper installation of new gas pipes according to local ordinances. Blue Planet is the premier local plumber that offering drain cleaning, slab leak repair and leak detection services to San Diego County. Our residential and commercial plumbing services include drain cleaning, slab leak repair (including leak detection), water heater installation, and a host of other common plumbing issues.

Why Choose a Local Plumber

At Blue Planet Drain & Plumbing, we proudly advertise that we are a local plumber to San Diego county community. Well it donned on us that people may wonder why. What could possibly be the difference better a local plumber and a statewide or national plumber? Quite a bit. Let’s consider how.

Local Reputation Means Good Business

Local plumbers (like Blue Planet Drain & Plumbing) often stake their reputation on their business practices. This gives patrons a level of confidence that the work will get done right. Local plumbers need local customers and will often go the extra mile to get a job done. Conversely, national chain plumbers are not tied to the local community. They are part of a collective that will stay in business even if their service is minimally satisfactory.

Local Testimony

Ever seen those canned testimonies that speak as if everything that a company does it just perfect? Most customers can spot them easily. Local plumbers thrive on local testimony by your friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors. Even if you don’t recognize the name behind a testimony, you can see if the area is close to yours. Knowing that a local plumber has handled a drain cleaning, leak detection, or slab leak repair near your area gives a bit more confidence than one that done so somewhere across the country.

Support Your Local Economy

When you use a local plumber, you improve the local economy. Local plumbers are from the community, vested in the community, and share some of the same desires that you want for the community.
Blue Planet Drain & Plumbing is (in our humble opinion) one of the best local plumbers in your area. We always seek to get every plumbing assignment done right the first and to exceed your expectations.

Why Are My Pipes Rattling?

One local plumber issue that we come across occasion is rattling or loudly vibrating plumbing. In the plumbing trade, this is known as “water hammer” due to the sounds made by the pipes. The technical term is hydraulic shock. As the technical name expresses, the hydraulics (water) in a plumbing system has come to an abrupt top or violently changes direction. Some attempt to simple insulate or wrap rattling pipe so that the noise is less noticeable. In many cases this works, however, fixing the symptom will not solve the problem. And the problem can get a lot worst in time—a whole lot worst.

What Water Hammer Signals

Your plumbing is designed to absorb shock wave caused by water stopping abruptly. Water hammer signals that there is an internal problem in your plumbing. If you are hearing water hammer, there are two reasons why it is happening. First, the air chambers (cushions) in your plumbing could be waterlogged. Secondly, there is residue preventing the air chamber from functioning correctly. With either problem, the plumbing is exposed to an excessive amount of pressure. If left unabated, water hammer can wear seals, cause leaks, affect appliance functionality, and even burst pipes. Yet, there is another reason pipes can rattle which is mistaken for water hammer.

Loose Supports

Water moving through plumbing rapid alters the weight of the pipes. When pipes are not supported well or have worn supports, they can rattle against things mimicking water hammer. The solution is simple. Install sturdy pipe supports that are anchored into beams or concrete.
Blue Planet Drain & Plumbing is a full service plumber capable of handling any plumbing issue. Besides rattling pipes, we also provide drain cleaning, leak detection, slab leak repair and other general plumber services. We are local plumber serving the San Diego community.

Why Did My Slab Leak Happen?

Common Causes of Slab Leaks in San Diego County

We have performed a variety of slab leak repair jobs and several of our customers have asked us several questions about them.  When a leak detection affirms the worst, most want to know how their slab leak happened.  A slab leak occurs when a plumbing system begins to leak into or underneath the foundation (or slab) of a residence or building.  The cause of the slab leak usually develops due to a construction flaw, abrasion from long-term pulsation, shifting ground, or corrosion.  We’ll take a brief look at each to get a better understanding of why they happen.

Slab leaks from corrosion:

Pipes underground are into contact with soil and water.  As water flows through the pipes, sometimes the soil is charged which results in electrolysis.  Electrolysis, in turn, increases pipe corrosion that results in holes and leaks.  How did the ground become charged?  In most occasions, underground electrical lines running near the area are responsible.  Yet, other sources of electrical energy are possible.  As a rule of thumb, hot water pipes corrode from the outside while cold water pipes corrode from the inside.

Slab leaks from abrasion

A good slab construction has good spacing and insulation for plumbing.  When these are absent pipes suffer from abrasion due to vibrations.  Every time water flows through your plumbing it vibrates.  If the pipe is against an abrasive substance, it may develop weak points that turn into leaks.

Slab leaks from pressure

Earthquakes and sudden shifts can exert great amounts of pressure that crush, pinch, or crack underground pipes.  If pipes are not spaced and insulated properly, they are highly susceptible to such pressures.

Construction Defect

On some occasions, building contractors have made mistakes in the foundation workmanship.  Due to this, shifting, cracking, and other abnormalities occur that eventually create plumbing leaks.  Usually when a foundation construction defect is present it is necessary to have foundation plumbing rework.

In addition to slab leaks, Blue Planet Drain & Plumbing also performs drain cleaning and other general plumber services.  We are local plumber serving the San Diego community.

The Public Water In San Diego

What is in San Diego’s Public Water

Ever wondered what is actually in the water that you use at home?  The main water source for the city of San Diego is the Colorado River and the Bay Delta of northern part of the state. Although the water is filtered through the San Diego municipal water system, you may be surprised about the what is reaching your home.  Now before you get alarmed, we must state that just because a water contaminant is in a municipal water source, it doesn’t mean that it’s dangerous to your health.  Here is a consolidated listing of the major substances found in San Diego’s public water system:


There are several types of bacteria that can make humans sick.  These are judiciously treated by water departments.  In San Diego, the water distribution system averages 0.1% of water with harmful bacteria.  The accepted level is much higher, making San Diego tap water some of the best in the State.


Lead is very toxic for human consumption.  In California, the maximum allowed is .02 ppb.  In laymen terms, that mean 2 parts per billion or basically a single drop in an Olympic pool of water.  Water treatment plants do an excellent job of removing lead.  Most traces of lead found in household water come from a residence’s lead pipes.


Although it’s not a contaminant, fluoride is added to public water supplies to reduce tooth decay by protecting them from demineralization.  The California Assembly Bill 73 requires that all Californian water suppliers that have more than 10,000 connections must fluoride their water.

Still want a higher quality of water?  You could always ask your plumber about a whole home filtration system. Blue Planet Drain & Plumbing offer the Halo water filtration system.  We also provide drain cleaning and other general plumber services.  We are local plumber serving the San Diego community.

Why Hire A Licensed Plumber for Drain Cleaning?

Drain Cleaning Woes

Do it yourself projects can be fun, interesting, and challenging. However, if you do not have the right tools and equipment some project could be more problematic than necessary. This is often the case with drain cleaning. Instead of going at it alone, it is best to hire a local plumber experienced in drain cleaning, leak detection, and slab leak repair. Let’s see why.

Acidic Measures

Some over the counter drain cleaners use strong acids to clear away blockages in plumbing. Although, most products use chemical reactions that do not harm piping, they are not good for the environment. Additionally, do it yourself drain cleaning products can not clear plumbing as effectively as cleaning rods (snakes) or hydro jetting.


Renting a snake for drain cleaning is only effective if you know what you are doing. If you have little experience in using a cable to clear a line, you’ll probably be in for long day. A word of caution: if there is a large build up of sludge and other blockage items, a cable or snake will most likely unblock the line temporarily. It rarely breaks up all of the buildup found in pipes. When working on certain drains like kitchens, cabling should be combined with another technique called hydro jetting.

Hydro Jetting

Most professional plumbers offer hydro jetting with their service. Hydro jetting is the use of a highly pressurize liquids that dislodge heavy greases and sludge in pipes. After cabling clears a hole in the blockage, hydro jets can force out the remaining buildup and ensure free flowing plumbing.

Camera Inspection

Would you like to see what is exactly going on in your plumbing? Blue Planet offers camera inspections that pins points your drain problem. Cleaning your drain doesn’t have to be an expensive do-it-yourself project. Look into our monthly specials for a discount that could change the way you look at drain cleaning.

Water Efficient Fixtures

Water Sense LogoWater Conservation = $18 Billion Annually

The Environmental Protection Agency calculates that the US would save over $18 billion annually if Americans would switch to water efficient plumbing fixtures and appliances. That number equates to roughly 3 trillion gallons of water. Water is a precious commodity in California. As droughts continue and natural water sources dwindle, we can all do our part to help negate water waste. Professional plumbers assist with water conservation with drain cleaning, leak detection, and slab leak repair. However, investing in smarter plumbing systems is one way we all can collectively aid Californian water conservation. Here are a few items that can save thousands of gallons per household annually. All of these are available at your local plumber, Blue Planet.

Water Efficient Fixtures & Appliances

There are a number of highly water efficient plumbing products that are available. One way you can recognize them is by looking for the Watersense label. These labels certify that the product meets EPA regulated water efficiency and performance criteria.


Toilets account for nearly 30% of a household’s water consumption. Inefficient toilets use several gallons of water per flush. Modern water efficient toilets use no more than 1.3 gallons per flush. There are also dual flush toilets that give users options of water usage.

Showerheads & Faucets

Daily water conservation is easily found via showerheads and faucets. Efficient showerheads can reduce water usage by 70% in some cases. Showerheads can also reduce a water heater’s demand.
If you have questions about incorporating water conservative products, we can help you find answers. Blue Planet does not endorse any plumbing manufacturer over another.

Plumbing Emergency

Common Emergency Plumbing Problems

When you have plumbing emergency it is important to find a San Diego local plumber that offers 24 hour emergency plumbing services at no additional charge. Plumbing leaks or busted pipes can cause a flood. If you have old galvanized pipes that are leaking? We offer gas, water and sewer pipe repair and complete re-piping service to all San Diego County with fast response and affordable rates.

A plumbing emergency саn catch уου οff guard. It’s іmрοrtаnt tο know whаt tο dο іn case аnd emergency happens іn уουr home. Aside frοm calling іn a professional plumber, thеrе аrе ways tο address problems before thеу arrive. Here аrе a few tips іn handling thе situation.

If you have a leaky faucet the repair can be done at your convenience. A blocked drain on the hand needs to be handled immediately.  We are available to clear any drain in San Diego area 24/7. We use state of the art equipment to pin point the problem areas and have the knowledge and experience to help resolve your drain and plumbing problems. Our drain cleaning service starts with a thorough examination of the problem area. It is important for the plumber to have the right diagnostic tools such as drain cameras so they can locate the problem area.

Fοr sewerage blockages, thеѕе саn bе a lіttlе more difficult tο deal wіth. Thеrе аrе, hοwеνеr, аrе a couple οf solutions уου саn υѕе tο resolve a blockage problem. Hand pumps, such аѕ a plunger, саn force thе blockage down іn thе case οf a minor problem. Thе buildup οf air forces whatever іѕ blocking thе pipes tο brеаk up οr conform tο thе shape οf thе pipe, allowing уου tο successfully clear thе pipe. Yου саn аlѕο access blockages thаt mіght hаνе developed іn joints іn уουr plumbing system bу taking apart thе pipes. Mаkе sure thаt іf уου υѕе thіѕ method thаt уου tighten everything securely afterwards tο avoid leaks

Toilet Clogs

The first weapon on the list is the clogged toilet owner’s best friend, the plunger. A plunger is inexpensive, readily available at every store. If the toilet is still leaking since the toilet is the most used household essential. When it stops running it will really interrupt your life. Toilet leak or toilet replacement cannot wait. Give us a call for 24/7 toilet replacement service.

Broken Main Line

The final, and biggest, emergency you can have is a broken main line pipe. What you can do for a break in the lines brining water into your home is turn off the main water valve. This will stop the rushing water. You will need to have this addressed by a profession as soon as possible. However, by turning off the water you will have reduced the risk of flooding, a bigger rupture, and keeping your water bill near usual.


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